Jan 7, 2023
'Grab your water bottle and a chair and get ready for your first 2020 Tune-Up from home! Whether you have just gotten home from a long day at work/school, you\'re looking to take a break in the middle of your day, or you\'re hoping to start the day off with a quick workout, you\'re in the right place! This video will take you through a simple workout routine you can do from home! We will do 2 sets of 30-sec reps of the following exercises: * Twists * Squats (w/ or w/out resistance) * Push-ups * Bridges * Tricep Dips What you\'ll need for this workout: * Chair * Water Bottle * Timer (or follow along with me!) * 2 weights (or gallons of water, or anything that isn\'t too heavy and is easy to keep ahold of!) (opt.) Let\'s get started!'
Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , Health , Easy , workout from home
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